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Michigan’s nonpartisan, nonprofit news source


Thank you to the following generous funders of the Center for Michigan’s public engagement programs and Bridge Michigan journalism:

Alticor/Amway Corporation 

Arnold Ventures

Thomas Buhr

Cascade Engineering

Charles Stewart Mott Foundation

Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan 

Consumers Energy Foundation 

Delta Dental

DTE Energy Foundation 

Edward J. Frey Jr.

Essel and Menakka Bailey 

Flinn Foundation

Ford Foundation

Hal & Jean Glassen Memorial Foundation

Fund for Investigative Journalists

Winnie Gallagher

Google News Equity Fund

Google LLC

Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow Foundation 

Herrick Foundation

Paul and Nancy Hillegonds

Hudson-Webber Foundation 

Institute for Nonprofit News

Jacob Family Foundation

James and Donna Brooks

Jandernoa Foundation

John S. and James L. Knight Foundation 

Joyce Foundation

Kresge Foundation

Laybel Family Foundation

Local News Hub

Eleanor Luedke

Martin Family Foundation

McGregor Fund 

Michigan Association of Health Plans

Michigan Health Endowment Fund

Michigan Health and Hospital Association

Michigan State University School of Journalism

Philip D. and Nancy Miller 

James Murphy

Carol and David Myers

National Institute for Health Care Management

William Parfet 

Jennifer Poteat and Michael Staebler

Philip and Kathleen Power

Porter Family Foundation

Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation 

The Power Foundation 

Skillman Foundation

United Way for Southeastern Michigan

Van Dusen Family Fund 

W.K. Kellogg Foundation

More than 9,000 individual Bridge Michigan readers and donors. Thank you!