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100 Michigan Facts

Total population, 20169,928,300323,127,51510th highest1
Percent of population that is white, 201675.7%62.0%22nd highest2
Percent of population that is black, 201613.7%12.3%16th highest3
Percent of population that is Asian, 20162.8%5.2%23rd highest4
Percent of population that is Hispanic, 20164.8%17.3%38th highest5
Percent of population that is American Indian, 20160.5%0.7%23rd highest6
Percent of population that is two or more races, 20162.4%2.3%12th highest7
Population growth, 2007 to 2016-1.6%5.6%Worst in the nation8
Median age, 201640.238.411th oldest9
Percent of population living in urbran areas, 201574.6%79%23rd highest10
Net migration, 20151.5%2.4%49th highest11
Percent of foreign-born state residents, 20166.7%13.7%29th highest12
Average household size, 20162.512.6433rd highest13
Percent of population who are military veterans, 20167.8%8.2%40th highest14
Share of children living with two parents, 201665.0%65.3%29th highest15
Share of children living in single-parent household, 201635.0%34.7%25th highest16
Share of adult children (aged 18-34) living with parents, 201634.4%33.7%15th highest17
Median age at first marriage, 201628.828.615th highest18
Divorces in past year per 1,000 women, 20158.9%9.1%32nd highest19
Median household income, 2016$52,492$57,61634th highest20
Median household income - one-year change, 2015-20162.8%3.3%N/A20a
Median income of white residents (16 and older), 2016$31,490$34,94041st highest21
Median income of black residents (16 and older), 2016$22,373$26,48735th highest22
Median income of male full-time, year-round workers, 2016$50,869$50,58621st highest23
Median income of female full-time, year-round workers, 2016$39,825$40,62622nd highest24
Per-capita income, 2016$29,128$31,12828th highest25
Per-capita income - one-year change, 2015-20164.5%3.8%N/A25a
Home ownership rate, 201570.4%63.0%8th highest26
Median home value, 2016$147,100$205,00041st highest27
Median home value, - one-year change, 2015-20167.0%5.4%N/A27a
Average hourly wage (employees in private industries), 2016$24.09$25.9824th highest28
Poverty rate, 201616.3%15.1%16th highest29
Child poverty rate, 201523.5%21.7%16th highest30
Working poor population (asset limited, income constrained, but employed), 201740%N/AN/A31
Share of households receiving food stamps, 201615.9%13.0%10th highest32
Total state gross domestic product (value of all goods/services produced), 2016$433.5 billion$16.4 trillion13th highest33a
State gross domestic product - one-year change, 2015-20162.2%1.5%N/A33c
Per-capita gross domestic product, 2016$43,372$50,57737th highest33d
State gross domestic product growth, 2007-2016 (inflation-adjusted)2.7%10.4%41st highest34
Share of state gross domestic product in manufacturing, 201619.6%11.7%4th highest35
Unemployment rate, November 20174.6%4.1%35th lowest36
Employed share of population, aged 25-64, 201568.8%71.2%42nd highest37
Employed share of population, aged 25-34, 201573.0%74.2%32nd highest38
Employed share of population, aged 55-64, 201552.7%60.5%45th highest39
Working mothers as a percentage of all mothers 201567.5%66.6%27th highest40
Percentage of households where all caregivers work, 201565.5%71.2%27th highest41
Share of employed people who are union members, 201514.4%10.7%10th highest42
Economic Transformation - New Economy Index, 201467.062.618th highest43
New businesses created per 100,000 residents, 20160.26%N/A15th highest44
Business tax burden (as a % of state GDP), 20163.5%4.5%Tied for lowest in nation.45
Venture capital investment per capita, 2016$25$18126th highest46
Academic research & development expenditures, 2015$2.3 billion$68.7 billion10th highest47
Total research & development expenditures, 2014$19.8 billion$451.5 billion6th highest48
Research & development expenditures (% of state GDP), 20144.24%2.53%6th highest49
Share of state population with a computer, 201688.4%89.3%32nd highest50
Share of state population with broadband internet access, 201680.5%81.4%31st highest51
Share of population with access to a personal vehicle, 201692.0%91.0%37th highest52
Life expectancy at birth, 201478.2 years78.9 years35th highest53
Obesity rate, 201531.2%29.8%16th highest54
Infant mortality rate, per 1,000 live births, 20166.85.938th best55
Overall mortality rate per 100,000 residents, 2014783.7724.614th highest56
Share of population without health insurance, 20167.3%10.6%10th best57
Share of population on Medicaid, 201519.0%20.0%17th highest58
Binge drinking among adults, 201518.5%16.3%10th highest59
Smoking rate, 201520.7%17.8%11th highest60
Cigarette per pack tax rate$2.00$1.6914th highest61
Physical inactivity rate, 201625.5%26.2%25th best62
Asthma rate, 201710.9%9.3%7th highest63
Adults who hadn't seen a doctor in past 12 months, 201427.2%34.0%4th best64
Share of population with a high school diploma, 201689.9%87.0%23rd highest65
Share of population with a bachelor's degree or better, 201628.3%31.3%36th highest66
Share of population with a postsecondary degree or credential, 201443.3%45.3%32nd highest67
K-12 expenditures per pupil, 2014$10,799$11,22226th highest68
Growth in per pupil spending, 2005-2014 (inflation adjusted)-7.0%3.6%49th highest69
Share of 4th grade students at or above reading proficiency29%36%41st highest70
Share of 8th grade math students at or above math proficiency29%33%37th highest71
State and local per-capita support of higher education, 2015$233$28335th highest72
Average percent of family income needed to attend community college, 201314%N/A3rd most affordable73
Average percent of family income needed to attend 4-year college, 201328%N/A29th most affordable74
K-12 pupil--to-teacher ratio, 201418.116.18th worst75
Average teacher salary, 2016$63,878$58,06411th highest76
K-12 students enrolled in public school, 20141,537,92250,312,58110th highest77
Share of K-12 students in charter schools, 20159.6%5.4%6th highest78
Share of 4 year olds in preschool, special ed, or Head Start, 201640.0%43.1%18th highest79
Share of 3 year olds in preschool, special ed, or Head Start, 201613.8%15.7%25th highest80
Violent crime rate per 100,000 residents, 2015415.5383.216th highest81
State air pollution (micrograms of particulate per cubic meter), 20168.68.921st highest82
Outdoor recreation participation rate, 201463.0%48.6%N/A83
Rate of volunteerism among state residents, 201526.6%24.9%26th highest84
Tourism marketing spending, 2016$33 million$20.1 million (ave)6th highest85
Percentage of roads rated "below acceptable", 201311.1%19.6%18th lowest86
Percentage of bridges rated "structurally deficient" or "obsolete", 201327.6%23.8%36th lowest87
Renewable energy consumption per 100,000 residents, 20151,521 BTUs2,267 BTUs37th highest88
Public support for arts and culture per capita, 2017$0.91$1.0222nd highest89
Hunting licenses per 100,000 residents, 201618,98311,26617th highest90
Fishing licenses per 100,000 residents, 201612,30111,93328th highest91
Average commute time, 201524.4 minutes24.4 minutes25th highest92
Share of population who voted in 2016 presidential election64.7%59.3%13th highest93
Average state legislator salary$71,685$35,1784th highest94
State and local taxes per capita, 2014$3,774$4,67517th lowest95
State and local taxes as a percentage of income, 20159.4%9.9%26th highest96
Number of governments per 100,000 state residents, 201718.812.418th highest97
Share of total workers who work for government, 20174.2%5.1%6th lowest98
State budget transparency rating, 2017100 out of 100N/ATied for best99
Share of state budget spent on prisons/corrections, 20164.0%2.7%3rd highest100
Incarcerated adults per 100,000 state residents75086028th highest101
State and local unfunded pension burden per capita, 2016$15,817$17,42728th highest102
State and local government employees per 100,000 residents, 20141,8372,2852nd lowest103

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