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Help Bridge chronicle the challenges facing rural Michigan

In recent weeks, Bridge Magazine has launched a series exploring the hardship facing many rural communities in Michigan, including the articles here and here that you’re reading today.

The statistics are sobering, with many rural communities struggling with moribund economies, mediocre schools and searing poverty, as well as difficulty accessing basic services like medical specialists, public transportation and broadband internet access. Compounding these challenges is a decline in political clout in Lansing, as more people move to metropolitan areas.

Bridge wants your help in chronicling the ills, and joys, of rural life across the state:

  • Send us stories or anecdotes about your counties and communities, so we can share them with Bridge and MLive readers.
  • Tell us about programs that are working, or not working, in rural regions.
  • Share examples of rural Michigan’s waning political influence in Lansing.
  • Name issues impacting rural communities that you believe remain uncovered, or undercovered, by the media.
  • Tell us what political, business or civic leaders can do to create jobs in these areas, and make them attractive places for young people.

Bridge intends to revisit critical issues impacting rural Michigan throughout this year and beyond. Your suggestions and insight will be invaluable to our reporting.

Send your thoughts to David Zeman, editor, at Or you can reach out to anyone on the Bridge or Center for Michigan team.

Thanks for reading, and for your continued contribution to improving Michigan’s future.

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See what new members are saying about why they donated to Bridge Michigan:

  • “In order for this information to be accurate and unbiased it must be underwritten by its readers, not by special interests.” - Larry S.
  • “Not many other media sources report on the topics Bridge does.” - Susan B.
  • “Your journalism is outstanding and rare these days.” - Mark S.

If you want to ensure the future of nonpartisan, nonprofit Michigan journalism, please become a member today. You, too, will be asked why you donated and maybe we'll feature your quote next time!

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