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Opinion | An open letter to Gov. Whitmer

I write to you today not just as a concerned citizen, but as a voice for many who believe our nation stands at a critical crossroads. As a loyal American with liberal values, I feel compelled to make a bold request: I urge you to enter the race for the presidency.

Our current political landscape, dominated by two aging white men, is a stark reminder of the persistence of privilege in our highest office. This reality does a disservice to the diverse tapestry of our nation and the wealth of talent within it. Instead of engaging in substantive debates about policies that will shape our future, we find ourselves mired in discussions about former President Trump's misdeeds and the age of our incumbents.

 Greg Talberg standing next to an American flag
Greg Talberg lives in Williamston and is a social studies teacher in Howell. He's a former member of the Governor's Educator Advisory Council.

America deserves a candidate who can reignite our collective enthusiasm and hope for the future. While President Biden's tenure has seen notable successes in gun control, climate change initiatives and education reform, there's a palpable sense that it's time for a new chapter in our leadership.

The threat posed by Trump goes beyond politics — he's a danger to our democratic way of life. The stakes are simply too high to let concerns about party decorum or ruffling feathers hold us back. We need a candidate who can not only continue the progress made but also inspire a new generation of voters to actively participate in safeguarding our democracy.

Gov. Whitmer, your leadership in Michigan has demonstrated your ability to navigate complex political landscapes while remaining true to progressive values. Your handling of the COVID-19 crisis, your steadfast defense of reproductive rights, and your commitment to "fix the damn roads" have shown that you possess the vision and tenacity our nation needs. Now, it's time for you to fix our damn democracy.

As we face unprecedented challenges - from climate change to economic inequality, from threats to our democratic institutions to global instability - we need a leader who can articulate a compelling vision for America's future. Someone who can energize voters not just with anti-Trump rhetoric, but with a positive, forward-looking agenda that addresses the real concerns of everyday Americans.

I believe you are that leader. It's time for the entire United States to get to know "that woman from Michigan" - because you're exactly the kind of leader our country needs right now.

Your entry into the race would not only bring fresh perspectives to our national dialogue but would also signal to young women across the country that the highest office in the land is within their reach. It would demonstrate that we're not afraid to embrace change and new leadership when the moment calls for it.

I understand the magnitude of what I'm asking. Running against an incumbent president is no small decision. However, I believe the unique circumstances of this moment — the precariousness of our democracy, the need for generational change, and the hunger for a candidate who can truly excite the electorate — justify such a bold move.

Gov. Whitmer, you have shown courage in the face of extremism, competence in governance, and an ability to connect with a diverse electorate. These qualities are exactly what our nation needs at this pivotal moment.

I implore you to consider this call to service. The future of our democratic way of life may well depend on leaders like you stepping forward when the stakes are highest. Our nation is ready for a new voice, a new vision, and a leader who can unite us in these divided times.  The moment for bold action is now. America is ready for Gov. Gretchen Whitmer — that woman from Michigan — to step onto the national stage and lead us into a brighter, more secure future.

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